Members of the chemical community are invited to honor and celebrate our colleagues whose work benefits the region.
Submit nominations to Dominic Peterson,
See individual awards for details.
Stanley C. Israel Regional Award for Advancing Diversity in the Chemical Sciences
This Award recognizes individuals and/or institutions that have advanced diversity in the chemical sciences and significantly stimulated or fostered activities that promote inclusiveness within the region.
Nomination Deadline:
Nominations are Currently Closed.
The ACS Division of Chemical Education (CHED) Award for Excellence in High School Teaching
To recognize, encourage, and stimulate outstanding teachers of high school chemistry in the Rocky Mountain region.
Nomination Deadline: August 15th
E. Ann Nalley Award for Volunteer Service to the American Chemical Society
To recognize the volunteer efforts of individuals who have served the American Chemical Society, contributing significantly to the goals and objectives of the Society through their regional activities.
Nomination Deadline: August 15th